Senin, 24 November 2014

Florange: Holland is pleased to have met its commitments

Florange: Holland is pleased to have met its commitments

Florange visiting for the third time in three years, Francois Hollande said on Monday to comply with its commitments to the steel basin Florange, despite the closure of blast furnaces in 2013. After the inauguration of a center research and development in the neighboring municipality of Uckange, which included among its commitments, the head of state won Florange avoiding thirty CGT protesters and dozens of onlookers who were waiting for main gate of the great offices of ArcelorMittal. "Lack of respect," moaned one of the unionists.
Previously, François Hollande recalled its promises with regard to this symbolic site of the industrial situation in France. "My belief is that Lorraine is an industrial land of opportunity," he said. These commitments, said the Head of State, the refusal of any socially and reclassification of 630 people involved. "Today, I see that there are more than 2 100 employees on the site of Florange," he has said. Hollande also welcomed the investments required of ArcelorMittal, "146 million euros, of which 86 were already fully engaged" for a total expected 240 million.

"Ensuring the commitments that have been made"

Third period, creating in Uckange this public platform for research and industrial development in the presence of business leaders involved in the operation (Safran, Ascométal, Eramet and Derichebourg). Called Métafensch, this site is scheduled to open by the end of 2015. It will be hosted in a brownfield closed and rehabilitated. At Florange, Francois Hollande honor a promise made to ArcelorMittal workers after the closure of the blast furnace to come back every year "to ensure the commitments that were made." There must meet with management, staff representatives and former employees of blast furnaces reclassified within the ArcelorMittal group. CGT and FO, however, declined the invitation.

The first visit of Francois Hollande in Florange during the 2012 presidential campaign had raised many hopes among steelworkers. Perched on a van of the Inter, the candidate promised to pass a law forcing the "big companies" willing to part with a production unit to "give in to a buyer" to prevent its dismantling. For many of ArcelorMittal workers, however, the blast furnaces closed Florange signed the "betrayal" of the head of state.