Senin, 24 November 2014

A really new and really sincere program

Consigny: Juppe, a popular figure naff France

This is not Alain Juppe is connected, it is Inrocks and GQ are tacky. France has already become the Montmartre of the world. We are an aging country that appeals to tourists in clichés. We have more to offer Amélie Poulain, champagne and Versailles. In the past, this was only a consequence: the mansions of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is converted into museums, for example, were there only because there were wealthy aristocrats to have them built. When Haussmann in the nineteenth, reviewed Paris from floor to ceiling, it was not to provide the decor pasteboard that appeals to Americans, the Saudis and the Chinese: it was to house the citizens to whom savings flourishing gave fortune. We must accept the reality of looking as if we want to change it: France is naff. Alain Juppe is it really the best person to give up the we are we missing?
In the coming days will be played election to the presidency of the largest opposition party, which is the first tout court advantage in terms of membership. All Mr. Juppé had to say on the subject is that it was necessary that the UMP continues to encompass both the right and the center. This is not an issue for a large contemporary political force! The center in France, it is firstly a Bayrou to whom God has predicted one day a head of state destiny and also a band apparatchiks that trigger storms in their glass of water without find that their ridiculous skirmishes are greeted by a general indifference. Is the question really for the future of the largest party in France, or not to ally with these people?

A really new and really sincere program

The responsibility of public actors today whether Alain Juppé, Nicolas Sarkozy or Bruno Le Maire, is to invent political line on which France can trace this decline slope on which it seems to slide inexorably to blend into the mists of history. The responsibility of the parties is to unite a majority of French around a really new and really sincere program that will rebuild our country a place where we think, where we invented and where we work . There was a time not so long ago when the sharpest minds, technical innovations and the most interesting productions were in France and Europe: an answer to the question of how to find this is the sole responsibility of the actors public today and we we maintain in history instead of disappear there.